Back To Balance
Professional Massage Therapy

Tahuna Clinic
$110.00 - 1 hour
$70 - 40 minute Myofascial cupping
$30 M.S.T.R® Scar Release
$30 - Kinesio Taping®
Cancellation Policy
Please provide 24 hours notice of cancellation or to reschedule a booking.
If 12-24 hours notice is provided, 100% fee may be charged.
Less than 12 hours notice (if appt is not able to be filled due to short notice cancellation, and NO SHOWS will result in 100% full fee charge
Payment due immediately after appointment via bank deposit,
with invoice after 7 days/ penalty fees applied.
Gift vouchers will be voided with late notice cancellation or no show.

Therapeutic/Remedial Massage
Poor posture, faulty biomechanics, and pain caused through injury are common in today's busy world. Therapeutic/Remedial massage techniques are used to address specific soft tissue (muscle, ligaments & tendons), dysfunction. A full client history form will be taken as well as Postural Analysis and Range of Movement Testing to determine the targeted treatment plan.
Qualified to treat conditions such as:
Chronic Pain
Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel
Mortons Neuroma to name just a few!
NEW TO BACK TO BALANCE - Kinesio Taping®
The Kinesio Taping® Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Latex-free and wearable for days at a time, Kinesio® Tex Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric, and successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions.
NEW TO BACK TO BALANCE - Myofascial Cupping
An extension of traditional Myofascial Release using plastic vacuum cups to reset the body's superficial and deep fascial systems from poor daily postural patterns, injury, pain. Get results without the painful deep tissue work. Great for:
increasing hydration and reducing fascial adhesions, ITB tightness and Compartment Syndrome, preventing and reducing scar tissue,
increasing blood flow and fluid movement, gross form of lymphatic drainage, draws blood from deep to superficial resulting in nourishing of the skin
Utilised within a massage session, $10 add on to cover application and cleaning costs.
Sports Massage
Assists with optimal muscle performance. Pre/Post or while in maintenance. Aids in muscle recovery of overworked muscles.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is used to address the deeper layers of muscles & connective tissue. It is recommended for chronic muscular aches & pain as well as "stuck" areas of fascia (which leads to limited range of movement within the body). It is very helpful to areas such as sore shoulder pain, upper and lower back, leg muscle pain and stiffness. This treatment works by breaking down the adhesions (contracted bands within the muscle tissue), which cause the pain and stiffness. Conditions such as sciatica, piriformis syndrome, tennis elbow can benefit really well from this modality. Will it hurt? This is a slow & accurate deep treatment which at times may be uncomfortable, but should not cause excessive pain. The therapist will only go as deep as your pain tolerance and professional training will allow.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is the perfect time for you to be pampered. During the beautiful stages of pregnancy your body can certainly benefit from massage therapy, since the added weight & imbalance in the body can cause considerable soft tissue pain, especially in the lower back, gluteals, hips and legs. The long flowing strokes aids to relax the nervous system & release endorphins, which are natural pain killers dispersed into the body by the brain, leading to pure, calm, deep relaxation ♦ Increased circulation ♦ Relieves pain & tension caused by all the changes occuring. Ensure you see a Therapist fully trained in this modality, who understands what is happening in the mothers body and adapts the massage to suit throughout different stages.
Eldery & Palliative Care Massage
A gentle adaption of massage to reassure and calm.
M.S.T.R® Scar Release Treatment
What types of scars is this treatment useful for? It is chiefly applied for any scarring due to surgical intervention – even from decades ago. And it can be extremely effective for long or short term scarring such as:
Caesarean section scars
Hysterectomy scars
Spinal surgery scars
Trauma scars from lacerations such as head wound scars, stab wounds, bullet wounds
Mastectomy scars
Amputation scars
Underlying scar tissue from laparoscopic surgery
What kind of symptoms can improve using MSTR® technique?
Symptoms associated with scar tissue that may improve include:
Numbness or desensitisation in or around the area of the scar
Feeling of disconnection between lower and upper body (especially C-section scars)
Physical appearance such as the texture and colouration
Many or all of these symptoms can change dramatically with one application…even after decades.
Scar release is very fast & effective, and the results at each session (most scars require up to 4 treatments, depending on size), are IMMEDIATE. The presence of scar tissue can have a lifelong physiological effect on the body. The McGlouglin Scar Tissue Release Method was adapted to release restricted tissues, align the collagen fibres and restore balance and freedom of movement.
Figure 1.Scar Tissue. Misaligned Pre-Treatment. Aligned Post Treatment
Scar tissue and adhesions are the result of our body’s natural healing process and it occurs both internally and externally. The process, if working correctly, is supposed to eliminate the scars and adhesions once the wound is healed. In some cases, a person’s body does not remove all of the scar tissue. In other cases, adhesions have built to help support the body due to poor posture, repetitive use or injury. The adhered tissue continues to spread which can trigger a cascading effect of compensations throughout the body. Did you know that a c-section scar can be a contributor to lower back pain as there is no bony surface for the scar to adhere to so it attaches it’s to the lower lumbar spine. Treating this scar nearly always reduces lower back pain.
MSTR Method is a series of fascial techniques that release and realign the restrictive tissue from the starting point (visible scar) to the end point (where the line of frozen fascia stops). This release system differs from traditional methods because it approaches the multi faceted matrix of fascia three dimensionally.
What is Scar Tissue? Scars are areas of fibrous tissue that have replaced normal skin, or other tissue, after injury. A scar results from the biologic process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Scar tissue is never as functional as the original tissue it has replaced. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (both internal and external) results in some degree of scarring.
What are Adhesions? Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that anchor and support the wound. It binds all tissue it comes into contact with together. Adhesions will form whenever there is inflammation in the body. Although adhesions can occur anywhere, the most common locations are within the stomach, pelvis and heart.
A simple scar from a childhood accident to major surgery can have a lifelong effect both physically and mentally for your client
Scar tissue has the potential to spread in any direction including internally throughout the body
Scar Tissue can restrict movement or function anywhere in the body from a joint to an organ
I do not know what amazes me more, the body’s ability to respond so quickly to the release of adhered tissues or the shock on the patient’s face when their body is freed from its restrictions and pain.
Figure 2 C Section 5x treatments
Figure 3 Post Foot Surgery - 4x treatments
Figure 4 Post Op Abdominal Surgery - 8 treatments
Figure 5Post Op Lower Leg Surgery - 4 treatments
Figure 6 Vehicle Accident scarring and skin graft - 7 treatments