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When NOT to Get A Massage

With Winter upon us:  I'm gonna get a bit serious & ranty here ...


To My Lovely Clients: 

If you are unwell, please reschedule your appointment. 


I know its easy to think: ... 'I don't want to miss my massage, it will make me feel better'. 

Does getting a massage while your sick make you feel better?  NO way!! it won't - if you're congested, being face-down on a massage table will not be pleasant, coughing is going to disrupt the flow of your treatment, and,  (if you weren't already feeling yukky enough) it may actually increase the severity of your symptoms.  Also, I love having kiddies in my treatment room, but the same goes, if they are sick, please leave them at home (even if this means having to cancel your appointment).  It is unfair on the next client/s that are booked after you.  Bugs love to hang out and infect others…. And a treatment room needs to be super hygenic at all times.    I am also more at risk of any infectious bugs as my job is all about hands on skin…. This is almost certain to infect me if the skin I am touching has a “bug”in its system.


I have a duty of care - not only to you, but to all my other clients, as well as to myself.  If I get sick, then everybody misses out on their massage,  Us Self employed-ees  don’t get paid sick days, (and I don't earn a living!).


So, if you have (or are just recovering from) a cough, cold, sore throat, congested or runny nose, body-aches, temperature or fever, nausea or vomiting, or gastro upset ... if you've had any kind of medical treatment (in the preceeding 24 hours) where you were required to have a general anaesthetic ... if you have any kind of skin condition which is in a current flare-up stage ... if you've had a cortisone injection in the previous 24-48 hours (particularly at the spot you'd just love to have massaged) - please reschedule your massage. In these instances, sharing is not caring.


If you're not sure if you should reschedule, give me a call (the day or two prior to your treatment), to chat through your symptoms and we can decide upon the best course of action ... for everyone.  If you have had a cold or flu, you need to wait at least 5 days from when you feel its gone.     


And if I'm unwell - I give you the same consideration. I won't treat you if I'm sick. You pay good money and deserve to get me at my very best and not receive some half-attempted massage while I cough & sneeze & blow my nose.  And if this happens then I'll do my very best to get you rescheduled as soon as possible - even if it means working on my weekend.


So, let's be good to each other and only share the nice things this winter - not the nasty things.

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